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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fresh Green Pepper Side Dish

Today I went to the Korean market and saw these Korean Green Peppers on sale and had to buy a bag.  I remembered that my mom marinates them and they make a refreshing, spicy and savory side dish.  You can eat it with rice and a fried egg if laying low or serve it alongside grilled meat if you have company.  Here is my quick recipe based on my mom's.

Korean markets put differing English translations or names for some fruits and vegetables. My market called these "Wrinkle Peppers" but I am not sure if that is what they are really called.  They are a medium spicy but it is very easy to remove the seeds and core inside if you just want the fresh pepper taste without the spice.

Fresh Green Pepper Side Dish

  • 1 Bag or 2 handfuls of Korean Green Wrinkle Peppers
  • 2-3 Green Onions
  • 3 Tablespoons of Fish Sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon of Dark Sesame Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon of Dried Red Pepper Flakes
  • 2 Teaspoons of Sesame Seeds

In a large bowl, soak the peppers in water to wash out any remaining dirt.  Shake them around and remove all the water from the bowl.

Remove the stems/tops or tips of the green peppers, cutting them with a knife.  Feel free at this point to remove the seeds inside if you do not want this dish to be spicy.  To do that, after cutting off the stems, use your fingers and rub the peppers disconnecting all the seeds from the sides of the pepper.  Put the peppers with the cut stems into another bowl.

Cut up the Green Onions and add them into the bowl with the peppers.

Then add the rest of the ingredients to the bowl and stir it all up with a spoon.  

You can serve it right away but it tastes a little better if you let it all marinate overnight in the fridge. I ate some right away with some soup and rice but put the rest in the fridge.

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