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Friday, June 10, 2011

My new Green Thumb

I've always wanted to have a veggie garden or mini-farm since my grandfather was such a beautiful farmer. I remember when I was young, I watched him work in his garden tending to his peppers, Korean chives, plum trees and cabbages with such love.  He treated his grandchildren with the same care too.

Before this year, I killed most things that I tried to grow but God and the universe luckily brought a kin spirit into my life many years before in my friend Mary Ann.  We have many life experiences and values in common including a farmer spirit! She has been advising me and holding my hand through most of the process of re-habbing my landscaping and starting a container garden.  She recently received her Master Gardener certification from the city of L.A.!

Below is the progress on my garden which is all in containers since we don't have much soil in the backyard.
Here was the beginning back in April:
Growing a blueberry bush. I learned you have to have at least 2 varieties. I have a  Sharp Blue and Misty variety. These will eventually grow very huge so everyone should collect some blueberries from me!

This was the beginning of two Japanese long eggplants. These grow strong really fast.  I've had to separate them into two containers because they grow so fast and the stem and roots are so strong!

In the back are the beginnings of my Heirloom Tomatoes from seedlings that Mary Ann grew.  In the front were some struggling Bell Peppers (left) and Red Russian Kale (right).
Now the Garden is really in full swing.  After planting the seedlings, they took awhile to get used to the new environment but now they're kicking butt!  I think that my grandfather would be proud!  I sit in my garden, reflect and meditate while talking to the plants and watering the roots thinking about the love that my grandfather had for us and his children.  I hope that these plants will be successful with the love that I'm putting into them too :)

Here is what the garden looks like now in June!

A Yellow Bell Pepper coming out to say hello!

My crazy Red Russian Kale now! I've been cutting off the leaves to eat but they keep growing!

Heirloom Tomatoes getting bigger in the background

The beginning of a Japanese long eggplant! The color of this plant was so beautiful, I had to grow it!

This is the first Heirloom Zucchini that was growing and now it's on it's way to being on my plate!

These are the baby Heirloom Zucchinis on the other plant. The colors are so amazing!

A Purple Sweet Bell Pepper on it's way to being full grown! They start green but it's just starting to turn into the purple color.

Needless to say that I am so excited to see them full grown and share the fruits of my garden with loved ones!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz, it's Hai Binh. I like it that you have your stuff in pots! They grow in pots too? I've always thought that you need to put them in the ground. Any way, this is super inspiring :)
